Introduction to Old Testament Theology An in-depth summary of John Sailhamer’s work. Tyler S. Fulcher Understanding Old Testament theology can be a challenge for many pastors. John Sailhamer’s Introduction to Old Testament Theology offers valuable insights that can help pastors preach the Old Testament with greater clarity and confidence. This blog post is an extended […]
Two Reasons You Should Study Church History
Two Reasons You Should Study Church History Church History Matters More Than You Think Why should we study Church History? As Christians we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. The Church started about 2,000 years ago. A lot has happened since then and there are really important reasons why studying […]
What is the Old Testament?
What is the Old Testament? 3 Thoughts to Keep in Mind About 75% of Your Bible What is the Old Testament? This basic question may seem unnecessary. If we don’t start here, however, we may undermine our ability to understand 70-80% of the Bible. And that doesn’t include the New Testament which presupposes the Old […]